Our roots are show horses that we started on competitive trail rides in 2001 in order to keep them fresh in the show ring. We found that they LOVED the sport, and so did we, as we have logged OVER 35,000 miles in twenty-four years. We ride all rides, CTR & endurance, although we start most of our young stock on CTR after their junior horse show ring careers. We raise most of these guys, and they are part of the family, hence the name Companion Arabians.

2025 Central Florida Arabian Spring Classic Lite March 15-16 New Smyrna Beach, FL
2025 Central FL Arabian Spring Classic Lite 2-25-25
Scenic Spruce Creek Spring Fling April 12-13, New Smyrna Beach, FL
Saturday 25/50/65/75/ Intro; Sunday 25/50/Intro
ALL endurance registrations online http://usa-se-endurance.com
Broxton Bridge: Night Rides July 18-19 Ehrhardt, SC AERC, SEDRA, SEERA,
Scenic Spruce Creek Fall Fling October 18-19
Saturday 25/50/Intro; Sunday 25/50 + Intro possible CTR on Saturday if demand
ONLINE REGISTRATION: OPENS LATER https://usa-se-endurance.com/
Broxton Bridge: Fall Rides November 7-8 Ehrhardt, SC AERC, SEDRA, SEERA, FEI
Friday 30, 50, 65, 100 + Intro Saturday 25, 50, 75+ Intro
ONLINE REGISTRATION: OPENS LATER https://usa-se-endurance.com/
Goethe Gallivant Endurance Rides December 27-28, 2025 (Tentative dates)
Saturday 25, 50, 65, 75/Intro and Sunday 25, 50, 75, 100/Intro